Actually, the Dead Are Not Dead examined how to redefine our alliances with those who are not presently living. The project proposed communicating with the spectres of the past and the future and taking responsibility for those who are no longer, or not yet, here. It questioned the prevalent politics of death, ranging from the deadly rejection of refugees to the destruction of the planet. Actually, the Dead Are Not Dead revolved around the reclamation of life, fathoming the potential of artistic practices to imagine life differently.
This edition of Bergen Assembly was conceived by a group of twelve curators, artists, theorists, and activists. This core group developed the programme in the form of individual, shared, and overlapping projects to which it invited additional artists, curators and contributors from other fields. The program consisted of four different platforms: the exhibition, The Parliament of Bodies, Belgin, and the education and mediation programme.
The exhibition platform of Actually, the Dead Are Not Dead was arranged by the core group and conveners and took place at seven different locations and public spaces in Bergen including Bergen Kunsthall, Kode 1 Permanenten, Entrée, Hordaland kunstsenter, Bergen Kjøtt, and the local bar and café Folk og Røvere.
The Parliament of Bodies, conceived by Paul B. Preciado and Viktor Neumann originally for the Public Programme of documenta 14, was a performative gathering described by Preciado as “a calling disenfranchised bodies and subaltern organs to gather in joyful assemblies”. For Bergen Assembly this took place as the Parliament of Bitches in June 2019, and The Impossible Parliaments during the opening days of the exhibition.
Belgin was an open space for exchange and gathering, as well as work, developing its infrastructures, programmes, and character successively and in dialogue with international guests and local communities. It not only functioned as Bergen Assembly’s office, information point, home for mediation and programmed events, but it was also open for the activities and gatherings of local groups and initiatives.
The space’s name refers to the Turkish singer Belgin Sarılmışer (1958–1989), who adopted the alias Bergen after the Norwegian harbour city.
The mediation program, conceived of and organised by Daniela Ramos Arias and Stacy Brafield, focused on utilising the triennial as a site for exchange, offering the opportunity to share experiences and knowledges, seeking positions that are unforeseen and remain open to the unexpected. It consisted of five modules: The School of Questions, Thursday and Saturday Walks, Map Making, Imagined Futures and Bergen Assembly Mediates Bergen.
Read more at the edition’s archived website.

Exhibitions and Events:
1.8.— 27.10.2013
Hans D. Christ
Iris Dressler
In Collaboration With
Murat Deha Boduroğlu
Banu Cennetoğlu
María García
Hiwa K
Katia Krupennikova
Viktor Neumann
Paul B. Preciado
Pedro G. Romero
Simon Sheikh
Emma Wolukau-Wanambwa
Aérea Negrot
Daniel G. Andújar
Andreas Angelidakis
Betty Apple
Gerd Arntz, August Sander, Franz Wilhelm Seiwert
John Barker
Pepín Bello, Luis Buñuel, Salvador Dalí, Federico García Lorca
Lene Berg
Synnøve Bendixsen
Bergen (Belgin Sarilmişer)
Anne de Boer
Eloïse Bonneviot
Nathalie Boseul Shin
Stacy Brafield
Anine Bråten
Sarah Browne
Lorenza Böttner
Lisa Bufano
Simnikiwe Buhlungu, Malebona Maphutse (Former Title in Transgression Members) feat. The Community
Serafín Estébanez Calderón, Francisco Lameyer
Antonio Centeno
Capital Drawing Group
Juliana Cerqueira Leite / Zoë Claire Miller
Banu Cennetoğlu
Yacoubi Cissé
Chto Delat
Pauline Curnier Jardin
Anna Dasović
Nikita Dhawan
Laressa Dickey
Sarah Diehl
Ines Doujak
Eva Egermann
Toto Estirado, Gonzalo García Pelayo
Ruth Ewan
Valérie Favre
Feminist Health Care Research Group (Julia Bonn and Inga Zimprich)
Magdalena Freudenschuss
Robert Gabris
María Galindo
Israel Galván
Joscelyn Gardner
Tony Gatlif
Ali Gharavi
Sonsherée Giles
Niklas Goldbach
Helios Gómez
Francisco de Goya
Kari Hagatun
Jack Halberstam
Jan Peter Hammer
Ama Hanssen
Nora Heidorn
Caspar Heinemann
Minna Henriksson
Siri Hermansen
Laure M. Hiendl
Max Jorge Hinderer Cruz
Hiwa K
Lottie Hoare
Anette Hoffmann
Iillas Holmberg, Jenni Laiti, Outi Pieski
Iris Johansson
Julio Jara
Jemina Lindholm
Georgy Mamedov
Nelli Kambouri
Theodore (Ted) Kerr
Alexander Kluge
Göksu Kunak a.k.a Gucci Chunk
Teresa Lanceta
Nora Landkammer
Darcy Lange, Maria Snijders
Burkhard Liebsch
Yunyop Lee
M. Lamar
Ewa Majewska
Daniel Mariblanca
Jota Mombaça
Multitati (Tatiana Palanca)
Viktor Neumann
Suntag Noh
Anders Næss
Mari Norbakk
Boris Ondreička
Ocaña y sus muchachas flamencas
Elin Már Øyen Vister
Pedagogías Invisibles
Tomás de Perrate
Perou, Sébastien Thiéry
Paula Pin, Biotranslab
Iffit Qureshi
Carlos González Ragel (Rajel)
Daniela Ramos Arias
Charles Roka, Situationist International, Raisa “Raya” Bielenberg and Tore Jarl-Bielenberg, Gypsy Legacy
Liz Rosenfeld
Saih (Studentenes og Akademikernes Internasjonale Hjelpefond)
Īlhan Sayin
Karin Schneider
Sem/en (Valeriano Bécquer and Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer)
Daniel Seymour
Ørjan Skaga
Åsa Sonjasdotter
Peter Steudtner
Imogen Stidworthy
Ceija Stojka
Nina Støttrup Larsen
Stalker, Osservatorio Nomade, Fabrizio Boni, Giorgio de Finis
Cathrine Talleraas
Valentine Tanz, Vala T. Foltyn
Sunaura Taylor
Teatro Gitano Andaluz of Mario Maya
The Creators of Oi! (Arsiema Z. Medhanie, Ayan Mohamed Moalim Abdulle, Cynthia Njoki Kangethe, Emma Wolukau-Wanambwa, Gift H. Solhaug, Hamisi Adam Moshi, Hinda Sheikh Ibrahim Farah, Malebona Maphutse, Mamadee King Kabba, Naomi Niyo Bazira, Omar Farah, Sheila Feruzi Kassim, Shelmith Mwenesi Øseth, Simnikiwe Buhlungu, Sufian Mulumba)
The Mycological Twist
Anders Totland
Margarita Tsomou
Mariana Valencia
Jeremy Wade
Rosario Weiss
Mariann Kvarme
Monica Valenciano
Sunniva Vik
Emma Wolukau-Wanambwa
Workers’ Families Seeking Justice (WFSJ) and its Support Group
Bergen Assembly 2019 Team
Ingrid Haug Erstad
Interim Director
Anne Szefer Karlsen
Senior Advisor
Tor Steffen Espedal
Project Coordinator
Sunniva Vik
Administrative Coordinator
Anna Neerland Haukeland
Volunteer Coordinator
Ingrid Engesæter Røen
Event Coordinator
Henriette Sölter
Head of Communications
Emilio Sanhueza
Communications Coordinator
Christa Mako Teigen
Daniela Ramos Arias
Head of Education and Mediation
Stacy Brafield
Education and Mediation
Education and Mediation in Collaboration With
Pedagogías Invisibles
Eleni Michaelidi
Associate Editor
Kirsten Wandschneider
Head of Production
Sara Kollstrøm Heilevang
Production Coordinator
Kristen Keegan
Technical Coordinator
Tolga Balci
Technical Coordinator Sound and Light
Hort Anne Büttner and Tim Schmitt
Leon Reindl
Alina Anderson, Alexandra Vargas, Aina Andreassen, Birgitte Norsen, Cecilie Lind Hånes, Christa Mako, Ege Sobel, Éleonore Griveau, Embla Sunde Myrva, Emilie Wright, Enara Barnés, Eve Hereda, Fergus Tibbs, Fernanda Chieco, Freya Coursey, Geyanyu Zhang, Helene Myksvoll, Ida Petersen, Ingrid Skåland Eriksen, Inish Næss, Jennifer D’Amore, Kaeto Sweeney, Kayan Lee, Kristina Kozlova, Lill Maria R. Hansen, Linda Marie Vestgaard, Magnus Håland Sunde, Mahsa Khabiri, Maria Vallevik Borg, Maria Irgens Blakstad, Maria Helena Nerhus, Monica Vikjord, Nayara Leite, Neann Mathai, Oda Bremnes, Oscar Mortensen, Patricia Navarro, Pål Misje, Roos Wever, Roxana Ursu, Sandra Blichert, Tone Anderson, Unn Devik, Viktorija Prunskute, Wiktoria Gazda, Zeregaber Bereketab, and Ådne Dyrnesli.
Technical Team
Sasha Azanova, Torleif Bay, Lasse Bo, Robert Carter, Freya Coursey, Robin Everett, Amanda Frøslev Koch Nielsen, Laura Gaiger, Eleonore Griveau, Thea Haug, Erik Hjorth, Axel Högberg, Audrey Hurd, Even Kjelby, Lucila Mayol Pohl, Alex Millar, Anthony Morten, Bjørn Mortensen, David Rios, Pedro Jaime Riva, Daisuke Sato, Ingrid Skåland Eriksen, Tord Øyen, Fergus Tibbs, Kristoffer Wie van der Pas, Andreas Zingerle
Advisory Board
Ute Meta Bauer
Ina Blom
Maria Hlavajova
Ranjit Hoskote
Solveig Øvstebø
Stein Olaf Onarheim (chair)
Bodil Friele
Henriette Gallus
Arne Rygg
Marit Warncke