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Executive Editor: Yasmine d’O.
Concept: Saâdane Afif
Chief Editor: Louisa Elderton
Associate Editor: Jonas von Lenthe
Editorial Coordinator: Alix Chambaud
Research Assistant: Tatiana Rybaltchenko, Eirini Fountedaki
Proofreader: Hannah Satz
Translators: Katia Porro, Victor Szepessy, Sunniva Vik, Nina Kettiger
Graphic Design: Neue Gestaltung
Order by issue
The Professor

︎︎︎ In Norway
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The Moped Rider

︎︎︎ In Norway
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The Bonimenteur

︎︎︎ In Norway
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The Fortune Teller

︎︎︎ In Norway
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The Tourist

︎︎︎ In Norway
︎︎︎ Elsewhere
The Coalman

︎︎︎ In Norway
︎︎︎ Elsewhere

︎︎︎ In Norway
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