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Faith instinct

Shared by Marcus Coates | Traced by Ananda Serné

Marcus Coates, “Between Stories,” (2024)

This course invites you to explore the relationships between humans and plants, blurring the lines between species and reimagining our connections with the natural world. Led by artist and amateur naturalist Marcus Coates, the course delves into the concept of creating family bonds between humans and plants, examining how we can communicate and empathise with the plant world through artistic expression.

You will engage in multi-sensory practices, including video, to imagine and articulate these relationships. The workshop encourages participants to develop reciprocal, empathetic dialogues with plants.
Through Coates' unique artistic approach—rooted in shamanistic rituals, empathy and collaboration—this course will help participants reassess their connection to the natural world.

Marcus Coates is an artist and amateur naturalist based in London. His work includes performances and installations recorded as video art, using shamanistic rituals to communicate with "the lower world" and contrasting natural and human-made processes. He often collaborates with others to create processes marked by empathy and trust, working with audiences, organisations, and institutions, as well as experts from various fields.

Ananda Serné is a writer and visual artist based in Bergen. Her work often starts from conversations with others, for example with biologists or people suffering from insomnia. This results in constellations of media such as video, performance and textiles. She gathers specific images and sounds on location that serve as ingredients in her work, these elements are then intuitively arranged into new storylines. Next to her visual practice, she works as a writer. In 2022, her debut novel “Nightblooming” was published in the Netherlands. The story is set in a society that struggles with sleeplessness.

29 Oct - 01 Nov

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