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Available Now:The Heptahedron

We are pleased to announce that the Heptahedron is finally here!

This box-set contains all seven issues of Side Magazine, as well as the 8th special issue that doubles as both an exhibition catalogue and a retrospective walk through of the fourth edition of Bergen Assembly — Yasmine and the Seven Faces of the Heptahedron.

You can buy the box set at our office, Bergen Kunsthall, and through Tekstallmenningen and Wirklichkeit Books.

Thanks goes out to all the contributors, the Side Magazine team and our editor Yasmine d’O. for their work on all eight issues:

Louisa Elderton, Saâdane Afif, Alix Chambaud, Eirini Fountedaki, Pablo Larios, Anna Bühler, Pit Stenkhoff , Kirsten Wandschneider, Jonas von Lenthe, Tatiana Rybaltchenko, Hannah Satz, Gina Tandberg, Sunniva Vik, Diane Fortenberry, Nina Kettiger, Ewa Borysiewicz, Katia Porro, Victor Szepessy, Neue Gestaltung, and Wirklichkeit Books.

Photographers: Thor Brødreskift, Nicolas Rösener, and Bjørn Mortensen.

Side Magazine is published by Wirklichkeit Books. It is available directly from their website for purchase, as well as in selected bookstores around the world.

Bergen Assembly 2022
Exhibition: 8.9. — 6.11.2022

︎︎︎Within Norway
︎︎︎ Or elsewhere