Cooking with comrades
Date: 16.04.2023
Time: 18:00
Host: Comerades Inc.

Welcome to Comerades Inc.’s second cooking with comrades event!
On April 9 we are hosting an Iranian evening, and cook Iranian food!The human rights activist, intersectional feminist and spokesperson for the "Azerbaijan Democratic Party" who has long given the Islamic regime in Iran a lot of resistance in matters concerning the human rights of Turks and other ethnic minorities in Iran Simin Sabri is coming and we will make koofteh!!For our friends who are fasting, we are serving a new batch of food for iftar!You are more than welcome to bring your own food, snacks or drinks.

It will be a template for those who need it!We will send the letters the following day, or as soon as the world reopens after Easter.
If you have other ideas for things we can do, send us a message or write here in the event, so please feel free to share texts, links and other things here in the event!
If you are interested in contributing, with cooking, cleaning or other things, please fill out our form!
The same applies if you have allergies or other things we can take into account so that cooking with comrades can be as safe and comfortable as possible for you

Doors open at 18:00 - we are at the venue from 17:00, if you need a place to hang out or wanna come and help just stop by (please fill out the form if so)It is free! But you can pay if you want hihiAll income Comrades receives goes directly to the fund and the next cooking with comrades.
_The room is universally designed and has gender-neutral toilets_
All our events are safe meeting places, there is zero tolerance when it comes to racism, sexism, transphobia, homophobia and all the "isms" and "phobias" that do not contribute to safe and nice meeting places.

Cooking with comrades:
We want to explore the intersection between food and political activism. We meet once a month to share recipes, discuss current events, write letters, watch movies and just relax together!Comrades: We are a mutual aid fund and activist collective that organizes club evenings, workshops and fundraisers to help queer and trans comrades afford gender-affirming treatments and other essential help around the country. Comrades inc are intersectional feminists, anti-transphobic, anti-capitalist, anti-fascist and work to create safe spaces, meeting places and learning tools for QTBIPOCS, comrades and others who share our opinions and desires for a free and safe future for all.
Halfdan Kjerulfs gate 4
5017 Bergen
If you or your group are interested in using our office, contact us at:
Halfdan Kjerulfs gate 4
5017 Bergen
If you or your group are interested in using our office, contact us at: