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Reading group with Norsk Forfattersentrum Vestlandet and Papillon 

Date: 22.02.2023
Time: 17:00
Host: Norsk Forfattersentrum Vestlandet and Papillon

Course instructor: Grethe Fatima Syéd
Target group: Girls and non-binary (15+) with a multicultural background
FREE + food

Reading is one of the best things there is. Reading together is even better. Join a reading group where we read and discuss new texts about family, being young, being Norwegian and not being Norwegian. We also go together to literary events and other cool things that happen in our town. The groups are led by Grethe Fatima Syéd. The activity requires no prior knowledge and is free to participate in! Food will be served each time.

Dates for reading groups this spring:
February 22
March 22
April 19

For more information: https://papillonbergen.no/litt-interessert-var-2023/
Registration: https://forms.office.com/r/RB0s26FWKW

The courses are a collaboration between Papillon and Norwegian Writers' Center Westlandet, and will be carried out in the spring of 2023 with support from Bergen municipality, Vestland County Municipality and Sparebanken Vest.

Halfdan Kjerulfs gate 4
5017 Bergen

If you or your group are interested in usingour office, contact us at: