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Cross Course program 29.10 - 01.11

Sign up for our program of Cross Courses from October 29th - November 1st, 2024!


From the first round of Bergen Assembly Cross Courses at BAS, February 2024. The joik is made and performed by participants in the course Shifting Centres - Traversing Worlds with artist and joiker Katarina Dorothea Isaksen. Video: Thor Brødreskift

As a starting point for exploring questions central to the upcoming edition of Bergen Assembly, the joint conveners have drawn on an existing format at Bergen School of Architecture - the cross course. These courses are a platform to look into new methodologies, knowledges and forms of being and creating together.

Each cross-course has both a sharer and a tracer. While the sharer shapes and forms the course, the tracer will reflect on the course process from the perspective of their own practice, discovering traces that will carry forward in different forms towards Bergen Assembly 2025 and beyond.

Join us to learn about turfing and Sámi architecture, engage with unsorted archive material, explore sites in transition, listen to fish, get to know the individual trees in the ancient havrå forest, explore the potential of discarded hospital garments, uncover stories hidden in everyday life and get friendly with house plants.

Courses are open to a limited number of participants, requiring active participation and presence each day, from Tuesday, October 29th, to Friday, November 1st. 

Sign up by October 20th (including). You can read the full course descriptions and sign up via the links  – we hope you will join us for this exciting week of exchange and learning.

Exploring Tools for Site-Specific Dialogues: Learning with the Forest Way
Shared by Sanchayan Ghosh | Traced by Larissa Fassler

Turf Laying at Jiennagoáhti
Shared by Sander Andersen, Trine Samuelsen Hansen | Traced by: Karen Werner

H o l d Y o u r B r e a t h a n d L i s t e n
Shared by Jana Winderen | Traced by Ocean Space (Nancy Couling and Bernice Droszmann)

What Material Remains?
Shared by Synnøve Marie Vik, Trond Hilmar Søbstad | Traced by Adam Jaghouar,

Secret Maps
Shared by Tanja Geiss, Jutta Pöstges, Jan Liesegang | Traced by Vibeke Jensen

Exploring the Havrå Forest
Shared by Arne Vassenden | Traced by Marco Bruzzone

Faith instinct
Shared by Marcus Coates | Traced by Ananda Serné

Shared by Blenda Groth Albrektsson, Sofie Hviid Vinther

muddy puddles, uncanny neighbours, dancing with the future
training unknown muscles, opening unknown eyes, from Floating University to Kristiansholm

Shared by Floating University | Traced by Vilde Salhus Røed

On Utopia (part two)
Shared by and traced by Bloc Notes and prisoners.

While most courses are taking place in and around Bergen On Utopia is running in parallel in a prison close to Amsterdam, the course collectively imagines utopia through writing and is held in collaboration with Bloc Notes prison writing group.

> Sign up here

Bergen Assembly 2025 is convened by Bergen School of Architecture (BAS), writer and visual culture researcher Adania Shibli and artist and researcher Ravi Agarwal.

Save the dates: 11.09. - 09.11.2025

29 Oct - 01 Nov 2024

> Sign up here